ACO Products Distribution
IPAT company is a partner and distributor of ACO Group since 2009. During this period the sale of ACO products is constantly growing. Our main task is technical consulting in project and assembly phase.
Our main aim is professional client service and adjustment of proper technical solutions to their individual needs. IPAT proposes services on each stage of construction.
- we advise with technical solutions selection, even atypical
- we present calculations and hydraulic graphs
- we prepare list of materials and cost calculations
- we prepare evaluations for tenders on the basis of project or building conception
- we ensure and punctual delivery of products to building sites
- alongside with products we deliver technical approvals, compatibility declarations, instructions of building development and drafts
- we offer training and supervision of product installment
- we propose convenient terms of payment
- we ensure after-sale service
- we accept returns of unused ACO DRAIN components
- we deal with complaints quickly and earnestly
- we organize trainings for designers and subcontractors (together with ACO and department of Polish Association of Engineers and Sanitary Techicians (PZITS) in Gdańsk)
Main products, which we distribute:
- linear drainage ACO DRAIN under loading class from A15 to F900
- separators of crude oil derivative substances (coalescent, with lamellar insert) of various sizes (from 1,5 to 1500 l/s) and types of constructions (reinforced concrete, cast iron, plastic)
- grease separators up to 25 l/s (reinforced concrete, plastic, of stainless steel),
- settling tanks
- pumps and sewage intermediate pumping stations
- stainless steel inlets, channels, cleanouts and pipes
- anti-backwater fittings, inlets inside buildings, roof and street inlets made of cast iron and PP.
Owing to complexity of actions we gained in each of above mentioned stages trust and orders from companies like Hydrobudowa S.A. - Gdańsk, Energopol S.A. - Szczecin, Invest Komfort S.A. - Gdynia, Energomontaż-Północ Gdynia Sp. z o.o. and many others.